Saturday, May 21, 2011

Menu Board

My first item of business was to finish the menu board I have been dying to make. When I have to plan out my meals for 4 to 6 weeks it's hard to be creative. I found a lot of great ideas online but chose to combine a couple to make it more practical for my small kitchen.

I bought a sheet of metal of Etsy about a year ago. It came pre-punched which I love!! The colors in our kitchen are black and red so it was easy to coordinate the paper to match. I made magnets for the days of the week and then used clear magnets with scrapbook paper glued on to hold the dinner papers.

I don't know how it works at your house but sometimes I feel like I get in a rut. We eat the same couple of dishes again and again. So when I made my menu board I sat down and made a list of everything we love to eat or that I have a recipe for. That way when I sit down to plan my menu I can look at what I can or should make. It has been a life saver.

I cut my paper strips out of white and red paper and then stamped the dinners on them with either red or black ink. To keep the extras safe I bought a magnetic picture holder. One of the cheap ones that you can get for 70 cents. I glued the bottom closed so they wouldn't fall out and stuck it on the back of the menu board so I have one less thing to chase around the kitchen.

Another plus, if I am having a really sicky day Hubby knows what is in the fridge for dinner. I also don't have to answer the "What's for dinner?" question a million times. I made little tags that say "leftovers" and "Don't Ask". For those days when you just shouldn't ask :)

Keep finding inspiration!



  1. Am I your first follower? I think Iam! :)

    I think it's a great idea to plan the meals in advance, especially if you have a family. Even I plan ahead (well for 1 week that is), and me and my hubs are just 2. I am Greek, living in Germany, so I get a lot of inspiration from both cuisines.
    Have a great day! :)

  2. Hi Jen, thanks for sharing with my newbie party. Please add my link or button. I would also change the color font for comments, it blends in with the background and hard to find.

  3. Such a cute idea! Please stop by and link up to my Share the Wealth Wednesday Link Party! I'm your newest follower!

  4. such a cute board!! love it:)

  5. Hi Jen, I love your writing style. It brought a smile to my face as I read your post. This is a wonderful idea since its the same problem I have to face each week. I like the way you used the sheet metal. Thanks for stopping by and visiting me. Good luck with finding those bottles at the Big Lots in your town. Have a wonderful evening!~Poppy

  6. How creative is this. I love the idea and your board is fabulous. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  7. I'm so sorry Jen about the bottom last sentence of my earlier comment ( about Big Lots ) and I'm sure I had you confused there. I messed up in replying another fellow blogger friend.Thanks!~Poppy

  8. This is such a great idea, and if nothing else, it's so nice that you won't have to hear the "what's for dinner?" question anymore!
    Happy REDnesday,

  9. I love this idea! I hate when I can't think of what to make for dinner- this is a great way to map it out!
    Thanks for sharing!
    I am your newest follower- and I would love to have you follow me back!
    Camille @

  10. This is such a great idea. Thanks for sharing. Right now we're just eating what's in our garden. Saw your link at SSS today and now I'm following.

  11. Great idea for the cook. Since I do little of that anymore, guess I do not need a board.

  12. I write my weekly menu on a piece of paper and stick it on the fridge with a magnet - not very exciting! This is a great idea and I guess it also means the rest of the family can pick what they want from your lucky bag of menu names :)
    Popping in from Wow Us Wednesdays

  13. Love this!! Menu planning is definitely not my strong point. I'd love for you to link up!
