Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stroller/Messenger Bag

Since we got home a couple weeks ago I have been in baby mode. I have an entire list of projects I need (want) to have done before T-rex comes in August and we move. The list may be a little extrememe but us mom's can hope right :)

Well I found this tutorial for a stroller bag at Make It and Love It and knew I had to have one!!

There has been so many times that we have taken the stroller to an amusement park, zoo, or on a walk and it is over flowing with everything.

By the time I put the diaper bag in the bottom there isn't room for the jackets, water bottles, snacks, souveniers, and anythine else no one wants to carry. That is why when I saw this post I could just imagine how much more we could carry in the stroller (besides squish of course)!!!

The tutorial is laid out very well. The directions are easy to follow and she has pictures of every step. I am so excited to announce that this is my first sewing project that I haven't had to use my unpicker!! Yeah for her awesome tutorial!!!

I followed her directions closely but added a couple touches to make it more of what I was looking for. I added a pocket onto the back of the bag to hold the stuff we need such as tickets or wallets. I also made the longer strap so that it snapped on twice for extra support.

Can't wait til we get to go to town again so I can give it a try!!!!!

Keep being inspired,


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Making Friends

Woo Hoo! I have some followers!!! Thank you so much for following my blog. Hopefully you keep finding inspiration here the same as I do from you.

This blog writing has turned out to be way more fun than I expected. There have been a lot of bumps so far and I'm hardly a week back into it!! I am so excited to be out there in blog land with all the amazingly talented people you are.

With that being said please feel free to give me advice, complaints, suggestions, hints, tips or ideas on how to make my blog more versatile. There are so many options out there that I have been a little overwhelmed trying to figure out how it all works and what the correct way to do it is.

Thanks so much!!!

Keep being inspired,


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Menu Board

My first item of business was to finish the menu board I have been dying to make. When I have to plan out my meals for 4 to 6 weeks it's hard to be creative. I found a lot of great ideas online but chose to combine a couple to make it more practical for my small kitchen.

I bought a sheet of metal of Etsy about a year ago. It came pre-punched which I love!! The colors in our kitchen are black and red so it was easy to coordinate the paper to match. I made magnets for the days of the week and then used clear magnets with scrapbook paper glued on to hold the dinner papers.

I don't know how it works at your house but sometimes I feel like I get in a rut. We eat the same couple of dishes again and again. So when I made my menu board I sat down and made a list of everything we love to eat or that I have a recipe for. That way when I sit down to plan my menu I can look at what I can or should make. It has been a life saver.

I cut my paper strips out of white and red paper and then stamped the dinners on them with either red or black ink. To keep the extras safe I bought a magnetic picture holder. One of the cheap ones that you can get for 70 cents. I glued the bottom closed so they wouldn't fall out and stuck it on the back of the menu board so I have one less thing to chase around the kitchen.

Another plus, if I am having a really sicky day Hubby knows what is in the fridge for dinner. I also don't have to answer the "What's for dinner?" question a million times. I made little tags that say "leftovers" and "Don't Ask". For those days when you just shouldn't ask :)

Keep finding inspiration!


Back to life

HI! I am so excited to be blogging again. It has been forever since I've been able to update my blog. I know it's not anything special right now but I love the chance to do something that make me feel accomplished. We got pregnant in November and the morning sickness kicked my butt!!! I thought the first go around was bad, it was nothing compared to this.

After 5 months of throwing up I am so ready to have this baby. We found out its a boy!!! (Thank heavens!!!) My husband is the only boy in his family so it fell upon me to make sure I have a boy to carry on the family name. I'm so glad to have that pressure off :). Another plus, now we will have one of each so if I don't' want to do it again I don't have to.

As if the morning (all day) sickness wasn't bad enough we found out that my husbands position is going to be eliminated. So we are relocating. Where? Not a clue but I have high hopes that where ever we end up will have a grocery store!

So now that I know we are moving eventually, I have started to finish all the projects I started and never finished. I didn't realize how many there were. OOPS! Oh well, it gives me something to do to keep my mind of everything.

Enough rambling for now. I am so excited to start this again and hope that you can find some inspiration here or provide me with some :) Either way thanks for stopping by!!!