Friday, December 3, 2010

Travel Toys

For Christmas this year we are going to Conneticut to celebrate with my Mother in Law and her husband. I am so excited to see the family and meet the newest member. However, I am so nervous about traveling with Squish. She is 15 months old and extremely active. So I have been cruising through blog world to find ideas to keep her busy. I found the cutest felt book idea. (I can't remember when I found it so if it's your idea please let me know). So I cut out some felt shapes so we could play her favorite songs.

Of course we had to do the Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Rain drops, water spout, and sun included :)

The three little ducks and the mom.

I can't forget the speckled frogs! I printed, colored, and laminated these ones. Somethings I just can't make out of felt and have someone know what it is.

I am looking for more ideas. Please let me know if you have one!

Thanks and have a great day!


  1. This is so cute! I love the duck and spider pages. I made one similar to this for my daughter's friend and daughter. It's a fun and easy way to keep the kiddos entertained.
    You can check out mine over at my blog

  2. 2nd attempt -- try for her crayon cozy tutorial, and also for her car cozie tutorial. i just made one for my grandson and it's perfect for his plane trip to MN. and, yes, our girls all love their matchbox racers, too!

  3. Thanks so much for your comments! I love the ideas :)

  4. sorry - don't know if you found the actual tutorial for the car cozie, but you should be able to get it here: . there is another cozie made out of a placemat in her tutorial section on the left bar.

  5. mini crayon cozie:
